Tuesday 13 December 2011

Start light animation

Just after the shot of the pods floating at the start line the camera will move to the the start lights these wil light red one at a time and then go green to start the race.

To create the lights I created a cylinder  and then squashed and stretched it to create something more like an aircraft wing.
I then created some pills from the extended primitives menu and positioned them equally across the wing. I then textured the wing with a marble texture and then created a plane which I then rotated and then gave a sky texture too.  I then angled the mesh's so that the view would have would be like the pod pilots looking up at it with the sky behind.

I then had to texture the pills that make the lights. To texture these I tried something a little different, from the materials editor I chose the architectural materials this is because you are given some extra control of the materials and how they appear when rendered. I wanted my lights to have a bot of a glow to them so in the architectural material panel I adjusted the Luminance up too 500. In hindsight I could and should have taken it a bit higher.

Below image shows the selection of architectural material


Extra material controls available in the materials window when you select architectural materials

Finally the created materials that I applied to the scene

When it came to animating the colour changes on the start lights I ran in to a bit of a problem. 
No matter what I tried when it came to getting the pills to change colour the materials would not be changed by the time time. After trying many different things I decided that I would export each image as a 800 X 600 BMP file and then include and animate them with the timings I wanted when i came to bring my project together in adobe Premier. 

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