Sunday 11 December 2011

F1 Pod Texturing

Once the models were completed it was time to to start texturing them. I decided to  use a different texturing technique for each model so for the F1 racer I chose to use 3D max's inbuilt textures and colours. And then apply inbuilt effects to these. 

For Anakin's pod I will import the textures and then just use the rotation and positioning tools to get the texture looking how I want.

And finally for the final pod I will use the full power of UVW mapping and the UVW unwrap.

 Before I textured the F1 pod i had a play with some differant  textures to apply colour too first i experimented with the colours for the engines because I wanted them to have a feel of being monster like I decided to use fairly organic textures.

For the teeth that line the top of the engines I selected the Perlin Marble texture and then applied yellow with a hint of red to give them the look of rotten blood stained monster teeth 

For the engine casings I decided to use the Cellular  texture this is mainly because i thought it would look the best over the wider area that was the engines.

The next section to texture was the main body of the pod, As mentioned in a previous post there was more than a little inspiration from Ferrari so there could only be one colour really and that of course is red. But rather than just leave the original red from the construction process i created a new one with the metal  

Once the body was textured I wanted to add a glass section I did this with the translucant material  

 After the texturing was complete I wanted too tweak the position of the teeth on the engine. After i had used the mesh smooth on them they weren't as prominent as i wanted so i selected them all on both engines and raised them a bit which worked well. 

And here are the final textured shots of the model

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