Wednesday 26 October 2011

Second PodRacer Model...

For my next model I started by once again drawing a box but this time after making the shape an editable poly I used the extrude polygon tool to drag out the extra detailing.
I then played with the levels of the extruded polygons and also tweaked different vertices to get slopes and nice clean edges.
Later on I used the bolean tool to cut out the vents from the engine side pods.

I then had to produce the front engine sections these are large circular fan like modules, so to start off I drew a cylinder and then used the tube shape and positioned it with the align tool to cut out sections with my old friend the boolean tool.

Below is the finished product from that process. 

The next step was to once again cut out a section from the existing cylinder and then add a pivot for the fan blades. 

I then added a tube section and created 8 fan blades which I then attached to the tube to finish off the engine.
This was then rotated and attached to the front of the previously created engine component.  

After this I created a mounting rack and side pods for the rear capsule.

I then created some couplers on the rear of the engines to attach the hoses to from the main pod.  

I then added some connecting hoses. 

Below are two images of my completed pod

One thing I realised quite late in the process of building my engines was that I had not used enough segments in the creation of the circular fan housing's. This has lead to a slightly bumpy effect that can be seen in the image above. Unfortunately this can't be corrected because once boolean cutting has been applied you can't add more segments or make the object an editable poly again.  

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