Sunday 16 October 2011

Little house on the polygon

The next task was to build a house and edit it at the polygon level.

The fist thing to do was to draw a box from the standard primitves on the right hand tool bar.
Next I selected the box and under the Parameters section I adjusted the Length & width segments to 8 each. 

After this was done I changed the view in the viewport to Realistic + Edged faces so that the grid could be seen and then right clicked on the box and changed it to editable polygons.

 My my view and box were now ready for some polygon minipulation. 

The next step with the box selected was to select the polygon level from the modifier menu.

I was now able to select individual polygons and adjust them. The first thing I did was remove 2 4x4 polygon sections for the windows on the front and a 2x3 polygon section for the front door.
After this i looked at what the move tool could do to polygons at this level.
The move tool allows you to stretch polygons so that from your original shape you can push them in or pull them out to create curves and other shapes.
This will be very useful when it comes to my final project because my pod racers will have lots of areas where this is useful.

I finished off my house by adding another 4x4 pixel window to the side and then created an interesting roof which made it look like an old mill building from around the time of the industrial revolution.

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